How A Single Back Injury Can Lead To Pain All Over

Over most of the body, if you get injured somewhere, that's where you experience the pain. While the same can be said of the back, it's also possible for your back to be injured and for you to experience pain in seemingly unrelated places. People often don't even realize that the two forms of pain are related until a doctor tells them the cause. If you've been experiencing body pain since you hurt your back, read on to learn why and what you can do to mitigate it. [Read More]

Details To Assess When You're Finding A New Chiropractor

One of the important tasks that will be atop your to-do list after moving to a new city is connecting with the various health practitioners that you and your family will need to be healthy and maintain a high quality of life. One such practitioner is a chiropractor, and if you were a regular patient in your previous city, you'll likely want to find the right clinic in a timely manner — especially if you're nursing a sore back from lugging boxes during the move. [Read More]

Lessen Lower Back Pain To Improve Your Quality Of Life Following A Motorcycle Accident

If you regularly experience lower back pain due to a motorcycle accident that you were involved in years ago and the discomfort has been interfering in your everyday activities, you may be able to lessen the discomfort and improve your quality of life by following the advice below.  Regular Visits With A Chiropractor Contact a chiropractor who practices near you and describe the symptoms that you are experiencing. If you are receptive to services that the chiropractor offers, make an appointment with the practitioner to have your back examined and to diagnose your condition further. [Read More]

Whiplash: More Than Just A Pain In The Neck

Whiplash is the generic term for neck pain and stiffness caused by a sudden involuntary jerking of the neck and/or upper back muscles. While this injury can occur from any violent motion of the neck, it is most often associated with motor vehicle accidents. This is most likely to happen when a vehicle is hit from behind and the victim's head is thrown back suddenly from the thrust of the offending vehicle. [Read More]