Be Good To Your Back: Three Tips For Mature Adults

Your core ability to walk, stretch, and use your arms lies in your back. Without a healthy back, you'll have trouble completing even the simplest life tasks without pain. As an older adult, back and core strength can begin to decline. So, start taking better care of your back by following these tips. Invest in a good mattress. You spend about a third of your time sleeping, so it only makes sense to buy a good quality, supportive mattress. [Read More]

3 Ways to Ease Your Back Pain Without Drugs

Back pain is a difficult problem to treat. For one thing, back pain often has multiple causes at once – instead of being just a sore muscle or a slipped disc, you might have problems with both the muscles and discs in your back, as well as joint inflammation contributing to your pain. It can also be difficult to identify a triggering event for the back pain. Back pain could be caused by a single accident, but it could also be caused by repetitive motions or even lifestyle. [Read More]

Tips On Being A Model Physical Therapy Patient

When you're dealing with an injury or regaining your strength and mobility after surgery, you may almost consider your local physical therapy clinic to be a second home. Multiple appointments each week can mean that physical therapy has suddenly become a key part of your life. Building a stronger you is partly dependent upon building a strong relationship with your therapist. Your individual sessions can seemingly fly past, so it's a good idea to do all that you can to be an exemplary patient. [Read More]

Is There A Link Between Chronic Pain And Depression?

Depression and chronic pain share a closer link than you might know. If left untreated, your depression could make the pain you are experiencing worse. Therefore, it is important that you understand the link between the two conditions and take action to overcome both. If you are suffering from both conditions, here is what you need to know.   How Does Depression Impact Chronic Pain? When you suffer from chronic pain, you can experience higher levels of stress than other people, fatigue, and anxiety. [Read More]