4 Tips For Finding A Chiropractor

A chiropractor is a great medical professional to have in your toolbox. A chiropractor can help you address back and joint pain connected to your quality of life and numerous health conditions. When it comes to finding the right chiropractor for your needs, there are a few things you can do. Tip #1: Check for Insurance Coverage Most chiropractors now take insurance, and more insurance companies are adding chiropractic care as something they cover. [Read More]

Ways To Meet Your Self-Care Goals In The New Year

The new year is just about to begin, and if you are like most people, you are setting goals for the upcoming year. If one of your goals is to make self-care more of a priority in the new year, you may find yourself wondering what you can do to ensure that you meet that goal. Get to know some of the ways to meet your self-care goals in the new year so you can start the year off right. [Read More]

Rib Pain Following An Auto Accident? Whether Bone Or Muscle, A Chiropractor Can Help

Other than whiplash, broken ribs are one of the most common injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents. Typically, when someone complains of chest pain in a chiropractic office following an auto accident, the chiropractor will order X-rays to determine if any ribs are separated, broken, or cracked. If the imaging doesn't show evidence of damage to the ribs, the patient may instead of what is called an intercostal injury. However, sometimes patients are told there may be a crack that hasn't shown on the imaging and, thus, the patient will be treated as if they do have a cracked rib. [Read More]

Natural Care for Lower Back Pain Through Chiropractic Treatment

Lower back pain can come on for a number of reasons. Chronic strain from sitting in the wrong position or a muscle pull after an accident can cause you to have lower back pain that is difficult to manage. You can try using pain medication prescribed by your physician, but this is only going to mask what is going on. When your muscles, ligaments, and tendons are tight, chiropractic care works to address these problems. [Read More]